General Policies

General Policies

Academic and Attendance Policies


FAMA’s Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy is outlined in our student catalog so that students understand their academic responsibilities and general policies prior to starting class.


Evaluation Periods

To determine whether or not students have met their minimum requirements for satisfactory academic progress, their attendance and scholastic achievement is evaluated in intervals determined by the following scheduled credit hours.

Student progress evaluation for all programs offered at FAMA is conducted at the mid-point (50% of the clock hours of the program), as well as at the 75% point, and 100% of total program hours completed. Students not making satisfactory progress are advised by the faculty in writing. They will outline the balance of clock hours necessary to complete and the minimum grade achievement necessary to meet the minimum standards of progress. If at the evaluation point the student is not meeting the minimum standards that student may be placed on academic probation for one evaluation period.


Attendance Progress Evaluations

  • Students must maintain a cumulative average attendance level of at least 67% of their scheduled attendance. By way of example, this would mean a student scheduled to complete 50 hours per week would have to maintain an average weekly attendance of 33.5 hours. However, if a student meets the required level of weekly attendance and then has more than 14 days of consecutive absences, that student may be dismissed unless they have an approved Leave-of-Absence.
  • Any student anticipating an absence of 5 to180 days within a 12-month period is advised to request a Leave-of-Absence.
  • Tardiness: Students who are 5 minutes or more late for class cannot enter the classroom for the first half-hour. They will be required to complete 30 minutes of independent study before joining the class that is already in session.
  • Tardy hours represent accumulated hours of absence from school, and students with “tardies” are required to complete any work missed while absent from class


Dress Code

The school’s dress code requires all students to where a FAMA uniform, which will be charged to the student and issued before the first day of class. Students must arrive each school day in uniform looking clean and well-groomed. With the uniform, each student is required to wear clean, flat, rubber-soled white or black shoes. No high heels or open-toed shoes are allowed.

Also disallowed are dangling bracelets and necklaces, drop earrings, finger rings and nose rings, all of which could get lost or drop on a patient during treatment thereby posing a health hazard and interfering with the proper administration of a treatment. Additionally, fingernails must be clean and filed to a reasonable length that does not impede manual dexterity, the correct use of equipment, or the seamless administration of treatments.


Behavioral Code of Conduct

Students are required to maintain a well-behaved, professional demeanor while on campus. No inappropriate language, aggressive behavior, demeaning remarks, ridicule, hazing, or harassment will be tolerated.Inappropriate behavior will be handled according to severity. The school will issue a warning, probation, suspension or dismissal to protect the school environment. At the time of enrollment, every student must sign a contract agreeing that the school has the right to impose penalties for inappropriate behavior, according to school policy, without having to prove that the inappropriate behavior occurred, if at least two witnesses agree in writing on a conduct violation. Inappropriate behavior will be documented and the original document, with the original signatures, will replaced in the student’s permanent file.


Sexual and Discriminatory Harassment

The academy maintains a zero-tolerance policy in the case of sexual harassment or harassment based on age, race, color, religion, national origin, or disability. Any unwelcome sexual advances or offensive comments, gestures, or physical contact of a sexual nature between and/or among students and staff will be cause for immediate disciplinary action. So, too, will any behavior that intimidates, discriminates or degrades a student or staff member. If a student or employee feels that he or she has suffered a form of discrimination or harassment, that individual should immediately contact a supervisor or the school’s Director of Administration Students or staff involved may be subject to termination.

If you have any questions about our general policies, please contact us today to speak to one of our staff members.

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